NSW Department of Trade and Investment

DiverseWerks - Community Engagement



New South Wales Trade and Investment is the agency responsible for driving sustainable economic growth in NSW. The need to engage business owners from a range of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds for a series of business forums was identified.

DiverseWerks was approached by NSW Trade and Investment to assist them in this.

DiverseWerks developed three forums recruiting participants from the Chinese, Korean, Indian and Vietnamese communities for a series of six multicultural business forums in the following areas in Sydney:

  • Hurstville
  • Strathfield
  • Parramatta
  • North West Sydney
  • Fairfield

We provided in-language interpreters for each session and management assistance in the lead up to, and during each session.

The forums were run by NSW Trade and Investment and focused on promoting NSW Government business programs and advisory services, while also seeking community input on specific business issues.

The meetings were an opportunity to promote NSW Trade and Investment initiatives in first languages, as well as give CALD business owners the chance to meet their local MP and the Office of the Small Business Commissioner.