Forces of Communications and Engagement - Federal Election Campaign 2022

Australian Electoral Commission

Earlier this year, Cultural Perspectives were privileged to be supporting the Australian Electoral Commission once again to deliver the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) audience component of an integrated communication campaign for the 2022 Federal Election.

The Communications and Engagement teams came together on the first of many Zoom calls from our homes, restaurants, kids' birthday parties and gym session to successfully deliver a campaign strategy consisting of: advertising, media relations, stakeholder relations, community relations and information resources.

  • We targeted around 33 languages and 28 communities for the campaign.

  • Delivered mass media advertising to reach as many individuals as we could.

  • Engaged stakeholders at a national level.

  • Were supported by multicultural media outlets in the dissemination of information.

Worked to deliver a suite of translated information to support communities with the information they need to enrol, vote, and make their vote count by voting correctly.

This multi-faceted strategy ensured we were reaching new voters, those with high in-language needs and those who simply needed a gentle reminder.

Our two teams continue to join forces and deliver successful communication and engagement strategies.